Sunday, July 28, 2013

Deskripsi Reptil

Reptil (binatang melata) adalah sebuah kelompok hewan vertebrata yang berdarah dingin dan memiliki sisik yang menutupi tubuhnya. Reptilia adalah tetrapoda (hewan dengan empat tungkai) dan menelurkan telur yang embrionya diselubungi oleh membran amniotik. Sekarang ini mereka menghidupi setiap benua kecuali Antartika, dan saat ini mereka dikelompokkan sebagai:
·         Ordo Crocodilia sekitar 23 spesies
·         Ordo Sphenodontia sekitar 2 spesies
·         Ordo Squamata sekitar 7.900 spesies
·         Ordo Testudinata sekitar 300 spesies
Mayoritas reptil adalah ovipar (bertelur) meski beberapa spesies Squamata bersifat vivipar (melahirkan). Reptil vivipar memberi makan janin mereka menggunakan sejenis plasenta yang mirip dengan mamalia.
Ukuran reptil bervariasi, dari yang berukuran hingga 1,6 cm (tokek kecil, Sphaerodactylus ariasae) hingga berukuran 6 m dan mencapai berat 1 ton (buaya air asin, Crocodylus porosus). Cabang ilmu pengetahuan alam yang mempelajari reptil 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictor
Not every Boa is a red tail boa. Yes, there are many different boas just like there are different kinds of elephants. Ever see the ears on an Indian elephant in comparison to an African elephant? If you don’t know what to look for it is easy to confuse them. Also, most pet shops don’t make it much better calling every boa they have a red tail boa. So first, I will give you some of the differences between the most common kept boas and then discuss how I care for them since there care is similar. Other boas such as my Dumerils and Rainbow boas will have their own carepages.

Pacman Frog

Feeding & Water
When feeding your Pacman frog keep in mind that it does have teeth and will bite just about anything that moves. With this in mind it is advisable to either place the food on the ground or use tongs to feed it to your Pacman Frog. Common food for these frogs includes crickets, mice and fish.
Calcium supplements should be provided to your Pacman frog about once monthly. For juvenile Pacmans it should be more often, approximately once per week.

Reticulated Python

Reticulated Python

Reticukated python adalah ular terbesar dan ular terpanjang di dunia. mereka bisa tumbuh  21 kaki. ular ini biasa ditemukan di selatan asia seperti Filipina, Thailand dan Indonesia. kebanyakan orang jenis ular ini untuk hewan peliharaan mereka.

Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon
kadal ini memiliki nama ilmiah pogona barbata, mereka berasal dari australia. bearded dragon bisa tumbuh menjadi sekitar 14 inci. dan mereka umur bisa sekitar 10 tahun.

Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko
The leopard is a nocturnal ground-dwelling gecko naturally found in the deserts of southern Central Asia, and throughout Pakistan, to the northwestern parts of India. Unlike most geckos, leopard geckos possess movable eyelids. It has become a well-established and popular pet in captivity.

Captive-bred leopard geckos can be found in pet stores, at reptile shows and on the Internet. Many breeders have websites where you can learn about, select and purchase healthy leopards, which range in price from $20 to $3,000. There is a huge collector market worldwide for the rarer variations of leopard geckos.

Blue Tongu Skink

Blue Tongue Skink
Blue tongue skink adalah reptil dari Australia dan Indonesia timur. hewan ini sangat lucu dan memiliki berbagai warna. dan sekarang banyak orang tetap sebagai hewan peliharaan. 
Blue tongue Skink memiliki kaki kecil dan lemah. tidak dipasang untuk mendukung berat badan tinggi di atas tanah dalam menjalankan. mereka khas memiliki lidah biru.

Savannah monitors

Savannah Monitors
adalah salah satu reptil paling mudah untuk merawat dan diplihara.bagi para Pemula reptil peternakan tidak harus memulai dengan savannah monitors, karena mereka adalah kadal yang sangat kuat.

Indian Star Tortoise

Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans)
Indian star tortoises are popular based on their size, personality and appearance. This tortoise is from india,sri lanka and pakistan. this tirtoise can't be growth in a big one. so it's make this torto is a good as pets.

Indian Star Tortoise Size
Females grow larger than males. Females typically attain a length of about 7 or 8 inches, and males typically only reach 5 or 6 inches in length. Specimens from Sri Lanka and northwest India grow larger. Sri Lankan females may grow to 15 inches long, but males only reach 8 or 9 inches long.

Ball Python

name: Ball Python
Scientific name: Python regius
Other common names: In Europe and Africa this species is often referred to as the royal python.
Distribution: this snake is from africa. ball pythons can be found from  Guinea Bissau, Senegal Guinea, , Sierra Leone  and Liberia on the west coast, east to southwestern Sudan and northwestern Uganda in the center of the continent.this snake are very populer in reptile lovers because this snake very tame and have a lot of variants.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Corn Snakes

Most adult Corn Snakes will live comfortably in a 20-gallon tank provided that you let them out for exercise. Bigger is always better in this case though and a 30-gallon or larger would be very nice. The tank must have a locking screen top. This is very important. Most pet stores sell clips that lock the top down securely. Buying 4 clips will ensure that you won't be doing any "snake hunting" around the house. People will tell you to just stack books on top, but beware, snakes are escape artists that can wriggle through a very small hole. Enough said.